Cartoon muscles?
Popeye or photoshopped-to-death Orlando Bloom on Men's Health?
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
I know Popeye is winning, but come on. We all still want to bang Orlando.
Haha, what a great comparison.
And to think I was such a big fan of Orlando back in the day. Those are implants in his biceps, just so ya'll know.
That's Orlando Bloom? Yowza
When was the last time he made a noteworthy movie?! Why is he still on covers of magazines?
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