Thursday, September 01, 2011

Lay Like Broccoli


Programming Note! It's Labor Day weekend here in the USA and so I've got the next four days to make like Jason Sudeikis there and not get off my ass if I can at all help it. Hooray! My kinda weekend.

Oh I'll probably go see a movie at some point. I doubt it will be A Good Old Fashioned Orgy, sorry Mr. Sudeikis, I've already seen what I assume is the gayest part of Orgy, so I'm good, unless I get especially desperate. But with a pair of probably terrible horror movies out - the strangely buzz-less Apollo 18 and Shark Night 3D - I imagine my desperation will channel itself that direction first. Ooh they should've crammed those two movies into one. Sharks In Space 3D!

Or Astronauts Underwater 3D? That doesn't have the same ring to it as Sharks In Space though.

Anyway I'll surely yammer about all that in my piece at Celebrity Beehive tomorrow, so I'll update this post with a link to that once it exists. (UPDATE: Here's the link!) Y'all have a fine four days and I'll see you next week!

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