Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Formal Tori


Got my copy of Tori Amos' new album Night of Hunters in the mail just now! I'll refrain from taking a bug-eyed photograph of myself just this once, since it's lunchtime and nobody needs to see that. The album's been online for a couple weeks now so I've already heard most of it, and I like it! I was curious how she'd adapt these very formally arranged songs for her upcoming tour, though - thankfully we've got Matt Mazur over at PopMatters, who gets to talk with the lovely singing lady herself and ask the questions we're wondering.

Matt: How will playing with these guys affect the spontaneity of the live show and the older songs?

Tori: Well, we decided that it would be really great to choose songs from different records and give them a new arrangement with the quartet. Some songs, like “Baker Baker” aren’t so far away from a quartet, because the original arrangement had an element of quartet within it. Songs like “Girl Disappearing”, which we did with the Metropole Orchestra last year, that’s not hat difficult to rearrange for a quartet. The tricky ones are ones that have never had any kinds of arrangement, except maybe a band arrangement, and those take a lot more time."

Click over to read more. I was hoping she'd be lugging around some orchestra types with her! Super excited to see the show, and to see these new arrangements of old tunes.

And I can't believe that I'd never put together the cover image of Boys For Pele with Lillian Gish in The Night of the Hunter until Matt pointed it out. D'oh!


Sean T. Collins said...

I never put it together either, but then, I have the heterosexual's excuse of an adolescent fixation on her exposed thigh in my favor.

Jason Adams said...

LOL your absence of a qualifier of which "her" you speak of makes me want to scream, "Hot for Gish!" here. Alas I can only wish in retrospect that Lillian had struck the same pose as Tori. (And do I ever!)