Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Extra Extraterrestrial

Timecrimes was good enough that I should've been expecting a curve-ball when director Nacho Vigalondo started making a movie called Extraterrestrial about an alien invasion as his sophmore effort, but I still didn't see this coming. From Slash's review:

"Buying a ticket to see a film called Extraterrestrial brings with it a lofty set of expectations. You expect sci-fi, you expect action and most of all you expect to see aliens. Nacho Vigalondo‘s second feature film says screw that. His Extraterrestrial has an alien invasion in it but it’s there only to put a new spin on the romantic comedy, a spin only the man behind Timecrimes could create. Incredibly, Extraterrestrial feels almost as layered as that film, but instead of multiple levels of time-travel, this features multiple levels of lies, laughs and love. It’s a wonderful, almost screwball, comedy that does pretty much everything right."

Well, cool. Very cool! Hopefully we'll get a chance to see for ourselves someday soon.

1 comment:

Henry King said...

I have to say that "Extraterrestrial" is actually A LOT better than "Timecrimes". In my opinion, this is the best Spanish Comedy in ages!!