Monday, August 29, 2011

Next Wave Leading Men


I was doing my weekly (or bi-weekly, or bi-daily if we're being honest) look-see for new Dominic Cooper pictures when I found the above, which led me to this gallery of W Magazine's "new generation of reluctant leading men" which is basically a bunch of guys MNPP's obsessed over, shot by the same photographer. Look at these!

That is from top (heh) to bottom (heh) Joel Kinnman (see more of him here!) and Joel Edgerton (see more of him here!), Armie Hammer (more here!), Oscar Isaac (more here!) and Jim Sturgess (more here). A real who's who! Although I don't think calling them "reluctant" leading men makes much sense - these dudes would die for some leading man roles. I think instead of "reluctant" they should say something like "nontraditional" or "kinda funny looking, in a really good way." I think that's what they mean.

1 comment:

gregory brown said...

I'm always most attracted to the "kinda funny looking" men. It's one reason I'm not liked among people I know who imagine Taylor "Smirk" Lautner to be anything more than the too perfectly contrived embodiment of what's been referred to as Waxed A##hole Twink Chic. Let's keep the banner erect for guys with Belmondo lips and odd ears and imperfect teeth!!