Friday, August 19, 2011

If You're Going To Suck On Something, Colin...


Just a quick heads-up since I've had the day off and should be getting ready for dinner right now and not gallivanting on the internet like this (yes, this is gallivanting) - if you missed me today you can get a little bit over at Celebrity Beehive where I'm doing my weekly thing looking at the movies out in theaters today. Colin Farrell is a vampire in a wifebeater! Jason Momoa is a barbarian in need of a very large brassiere! So on. Now go have a good weekend! Well go and read my article first, then have a good weekend. Have some fucking priorities, god.


Tara said...

Hope you have a good weekend too. Thanks for leaving us with the eye candy.

Dale said...

I hope I'm not being too annoying, but... Griff The Invisible is very different to Kick Ass and Super. It's much closer The Science Of Sleep, honestly, if you replaced Stepahne's dreams with superhero fantasies. It isn't even an action movie, it's a romance. Sorry to get all nitpicky, but it bugs me when movies I like are misrepresented, it's just a pet peeve of mine.

Have a good dinner, and I hope you enjoy anything you see this weekend.

-carywd said...

colin and anton, i'd love to see that