Friday, August 26, 2011

Don't Be Afraid of the Hurricane Dark


It's been a Rosemary's Baby sort of couple of weeks - the movie's been on my mind a lot. So of course with all this storm talk going on I keep picturing the above snippet in my head. Typhoon! Typhoon! Oh Hutch, you poor devil.

This morning my boyfriend and I somehow got onto the topic of imagining the movie reenacted by The Muppets, and when he suggested Statler and Waldorf as the Castevets I almost died from laughter. It's perfect!

Who would you cast as who in RoseKermie's's Baby?

I've been to Vidal Sassoon.

Anyway I have no idea where I was going with all that (besides to totally awesome totally random places, of course). But this week's piece at Celebrity Beehive is up! Wherein we look at all the movies coming out this weekend, like the Guillermo Del Toro written and produced remake of Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, which I will hopefully get out to see if the wind doesn't blow away all of the movie theaters.

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