Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Am Link

--- Here & Back Again - EW has our first look at The Hobbit, y'all! Three pictures, including Tim I mean Martin Freeman as Young Bilbo. I wish some friendly lady hobbit down the way was being played by Lucy Davis, I must say. Tim and Dawn forever!

--- And speaking of Office-flavored things, as well as small-sized folk, the teaser trailer for Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's new BBC2 series called Life's Too Short - about the "life" of Warwick Davis, famed little person - can be seen over at Twitch! The show's only begun filming and won't air til next year, but this tide us over til then I suppose.

--- Roll In The Hay - I just want to take this opportunity to thank Entertainment Weekly with all my "heart" for using this week's trilogy of covers to gift me with the fantasy of Joe Manganiello as a rugged, dumb farmhand wearing nothing but loose overalls. This will come in handy several times in the future, of this I have no doubt.

--- Crazy States - Glenn's review of Ken Russell's Altered States over at Stale Popcorn is quite possibly the most spot-on, "Yup, that about sums it all up!" review of Altered States ever written. God I love that movie.

--- Bush Whackers - BD has a few more details on the third flick from Oren Peli, director of Paranormal Activity, which is about Nature getting its revenge in the wake of a radioactive disaster. Or something. Sounds kind Long Weekend-y to me?

--- The Owls Are Not What They Seem - If you heard about that JK Rowling website Pottermore the other day and are curious still what the hell it is, watch this video at PopWrap where Rowling comes clean. Sounds fun, says the nerd!

--- New Statham Joint - A trailer for a Jason Statham movie without a shot of a shirtless Jason Statham in it is like a unicorn with its legs sawed off bleating for the bullet to end its pathetic life. Just sad! That said, in the trailer for his latest movie called Killer Elite (so 1994 straight-to-video) that murky underwater shot seen there to the left could be Jason, I suppose, the trailer implies it to be him, so we'll give it a pass until we inevitably watch the movie while folding laundry one future Saturday afternoon and find out if so. But what we will never forgive is the fact that Statham and Clive Owen are in a movie together and it's not a love story full of sweaty torrid liaisons.

--- Stone's Pride - Rumors abound that Emma Stone might be taking the lead in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which for a long while was a role that lay in Natalie Portman's delicate fingertips. I like it, but then I like the idea of Emma Stone taking any part. Every part! (Well except Mrs. Andrew Garfield. Lay off, lady! He's mine!)

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