Friday, May 06, 2011

I Am Link

--- Dead Arms - BD rounded up a couple grainy images of the sales posters for the Don't Be Afraid of the Dark remake, produced by Guillermo Del Toro, starring Guy Pearce and (sigh) Katie Holmes. I sorta like that one to the left.  It's got a nice early 80s vibe. Plus it's actually sort of reminding me of another poster I saw this morning over at Twitch, this fun one for an upcoming French monster movie called Dead Shadows (and if you squint at that one the lead dude looks a lot like Michael Fassbender, so bonus!). I agree with Twitch assertion that what the world needs now is a few good monsters, I've about had it with zombies and vampires for the moment. Gimme tentacles!

--- Tower Going Dark - The adaptation of Stephen King's Dark Tower books by Ron Howard might have hit a road-block, namely it hasn't even been green-lit yet because of its budget. If it were nearly anyone other than Ron Howard directing I might care, I might want to see this movie, but Ron Howard is terrible and makes terrible movies and therefore I do not. Sorry Javi.

--- Viva Rose - I can't recollect if I knew about this movie or not, but the always welcome Rose McGowan - so memorably follicled in yesterday's Conan trailer - is starring in a horror film from Jeepers Creepers' Victor Salva called Rosewood Lane and STYD has a few pictures from it. Naturally, this being a Salva film, there's a cute underage-looking boy lurking about. Ugh. He needs to give it a rest.

--- Lost Its Sheen - Michael Sheen is not going to be in Tim Burton's Dark Shadows movie. Tim Burton's loss, obviously, since Sheen makes everything he touches about a thousand times grander. See Tron: Legacy for the ultimate proof.

--- Abe's Boy - Spielberg's gearing up to shoot Lincoln this Fall and he's cast a couple more roles, including Joe Gordon-Levitt as Abe's son Robert Todd Lincoln. Yay Joe! I guess this will have to do since he's admitted he's not playing Cobra Commander in the next GI Joe movie. I guess.

--- Good Girls - I had a long chat about Hanna (my review) the other day that made me desperate to watch it again. Not only to see Eric Bana in dripping wet long underwear either! I mean, not only. God why isn't that online yet! Man! Anyway I'm reminded of this conversation due to The Film Experience's post addressing two of the foremost young actresses with difficult names, Saoirse Ronan and Mia Wasikowska. They both rock. The end.

--- See Chris Be - This post at Paracinema is a couple weeks old but there's never a bad time to glance through several pictures, two shirtless, of Chris Evans, is there? I thought not. You're already gone, I know it.


bcarter3 said...

"Spielberg's gearing up to shoot Lincoln this Fall..."

At Ford's Theater? (You are bad.)

RJ said...

Oh, Victor Salva. Proof the anyone can come back from controversy and work in Hollywood.

Also, he is working on Jeepers Creepers 3? And it is set in the future AND ye old west.

Anonymous said...

I too have looked in vain for the pic of Eric Bana coming out of the water in his long underwear in 'Hanna' to no avail. SO depressing and so needed!