Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Am I Crazy...


... didn't Ving Rhames die in Piranha 3D? (Oh, spoiler I guess.) He slowly sank into the water as he spun that boat motor around him, taking a bunch of the toothy snappers with him, but was very much dead by the end, right? I ask because he's just joined the cast of the sequel. Then again, why am I questioning the consistency of the logic in a Piranha movie? This is the better question.


Sarah said...

I thought he died too. I also wondered what happened to Paul Scheer's cameraman character. He didn't leave the boat with the kids and Elisabeth Shue, but he wasn't apparently killed on the boat where they left Jerry O'Connell's body.

Joe Reid said...

Possible explanations:

Alternate Universe
First movie was a dream
Resurrected from DNA to battle deadly piranha in the future
Nobody cares

Jason H. said...

Joe Reid: Maybe a prequel to the dreamed-up first movie in which his character's zombie vampire angel twin clone is resurrected in an alternate universe nobody cares about?

party rentals said...

uhhhh, its a Piranha movie... there are holes all over the plot line!