Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's 13 O'Clock


Takashi Miike's 13 Assassins is easily one of the best movies I've seen so far this year. (Here's a few thoughts I wrote down when I saw it.) Classic and modern all at once, it's a pip.  I bet you a hundred bucks it'll be one of the best action movies out this Summer, and made for one percent the cost of a Transformers. You should see it! It's been On Demand for a few weeks now so maybe you have, but it's out in some movie theaters tomorrow and I'd recommend seeing it that way. It's a film that deserves a large screen to take it in. You can find out what cities and theaters it's coming to at this link. And I'll post the trailer again below, if you need convincing more than my vague words of encouragement stir in ya. And And you can read a fairly brief but enlightening interview with Takashi over at AICN today.

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