Wednesday, April 06, 2011

If You Post It, They Will Come

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away those of us who shared common interests had difficulty finding each other. There were knitting circles and swap meets and barn raisings and shit like that that might bring people of reasonably similar interests together, but mostly, it was a lonely and sad life. Then the internet came along and all of our problems were solved! Hooray progress! Take for instance, those of us who've maybe found ourselves sort of hypnotized by the sight of Nick Jonas' backside while playing baseball. Where would we have turned in the past? There was nowhere. The horror! Thankfully we've left the Middle Ages behind, and there exists the wondrous cyber-paradise called Nick Jonas, We Love Your Ass. Indeed, we do. Here's a pile of pictures I've pilfered from them today. (click to embiggen)



amola-tesouras said...

While I am not an appreciator of Nick Jonas' ass, the former only teenager in town who even knew what Star Wars was wholly applauds the wonder of the internet. So say we all.

Dame James said...

You are doing God's work. It feels almost exploitative to look at his ass on display for that long. But then I remember how goddamn beautiful that ass is and it's exploitation schmexploitation.

Anonymous said...

There is no way that boy is straight or unaware of how he's showing off the goods and the fanbase reaction. To quote "Steel Magnolias" - (That ass) Is like two pigs wrestling under a blanket.

Drew said...

...I mean...god damn!

Im so glad this isnt illegal any more ;)

J.D. said...

The post title is explicitly true!

(That was kinda gross but w/e. NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK.)

Anonymous said...

Yeah-he's well aware that it isn't 16-year-old girls that are looking at that package, and it's nice to know he's willing to put it out there for the whole world to see.