Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Am Link

--- Fish Bait - A full cast-list for the Piranha 3D sequel, awesomely titled Piranha 3DD, is up at STYD - making us happy is the presence of Kaboom hot-ass Chris Zylka. He is well-known and well-loved for taking off his clothes and looking very swell doing so, so I hope they take full advantage of this fact in glorious 3D.

--- Foster Contempt - I don't give a flying fuck about Jodie Foster's new movie The Beaver or Mel Gibson's supposed career-best performance in it, he can go fuck himself forever and get out of my face. And Jodie's pissing me off with her defense of him, which is making me feel conflicted because she's in two movies coming up that I am very much looking forward to - Roman Polanski's adaptation of the play God of Carnage with Kate Winslet, and Neil Blomkamp's follow-up to District 9, Elysium. Regarding the latter, there's a little bit of info on it in this interview with Jodie at the LAT, where she talks a bunch about that Mel bullshit which I started this paragraph off with. Bringing it full circle.

--- Summer of Anna - Mark at The Critical Condition wrote up some thoughts on female representation and Anna Faris that the trailer for her new movie, which we linked to this morning, got him thinking about. I guess there's a big article about her in the most recent issue of The New Yorker? I have to get my hands upon it now!

--- See Tight - BD has got the subtitled trailer for Sleep Tight, the next movie from [REC] co-creator Jaume Balagueró.

--- Get Loud - Did anybody watch the 70s doc An American Family on PBS this weekend? I caught a couple hours of it and found it completely engrossing. FourFour's Rich has got the gay son Lance Loud on his mind and wrote up some thoughts. Loved this:

"I watch him in action, being his big, floppy, gay self and I'm amazed at his courage. My views on gay representation have changed considerably over the years -- I used to think that we needed as many traditionally masculine gay guys in the spotlight to show society that we aren't all freaks...and then I thought about it, and came to the conclusion of: fuck that. Obviously, everyone should be who they are, but there's not a greater need for one type of gay over others. Why bend to expectations? At times, nothing is more confrontational than a faggot. In a way, exhibiting that without reservation requires so much courage, it's butch."

--- Don't Hate The Playa - Two more Tributes have been cast in The Hunger Games movie, but they're the Tributes from District 3 that don't even get names. The boy will be played by one Ian Nelson (no credits on IMDb yet) and the girl will be played by one Kalia Prescott (she did stunts for the still unreleased Red Dawn remake and was an uncredited classmate of Max's in Where the Wild Things Are!). Anyway I don't think they play a very big part in the goings-on, from what I foggily recall.

--- And finally, here's Michael Chabon talking about The Phantom Tollbooth. Perfect lunchtime reading!


RJ said...

The boy from District 3 is the one who is good with explosives and helps the careers for a bit. Whether or not that is actually in the movie is whatever. Also, how old is that girl?! And she's a stunt double?! Bad ass. I expect we will have a lot of stunt doubles fill out the random nameless tributes.

Also, ya know, it is funny that you speak so badly of Mel Gibson in the same paragraph that you express excitement over the next Roman Polanski movie. I'm not necessarily disagreeing that Mel Gibson can suck it, just making an observation.

Also, An American Family rocked my socks off. I saw about 3 hours. Soooo 70s.

Jason Adams said...

Ha, that's a great point on my Polanski hypocrisy RJ, I hadn't even noticed it. I guess it's harder for me to write off Roman since he made my favorite movie of all time (and several others I adore). Not that one's morality and one's artistic abilities ought to be conjoined or anything. But to paraphrase that great thinker of our time Avril Lavigne, it's complicated dammit. I never liked Mel Gibson (save those few seconds where he crawled around in leather pants in The Road Warrior) so it's easier for me to write him off.

HyperionCT said...

The reason they were showing An American Family is because HBO premiered a new movie about it this week called "Cinema Verite" with Diane Lane, Tim Robbins, James Gandolfini and Thomas Dekker as Lance Loud. I haven't seen it yet, but I have it scheduled to record on my DVR next time it's on.


Joe Reid said...

The difference between the Gibson thing and the Polanski thing, to me, is that when I watch a Roman Olanski movie, I don't have to look at his stupid face for two hours like I will if I see a Mel Gibson movie. Separating one's art from one's horribleness (which I guess I strive for?) is a lot easier when you don't have to look at the guy.

RJ said...

^ I agree .... buuuut it still makes me a little uncomfortable about how easy it is for us to shrug off Polanski's thing when, let's be honest here, he raped a 13-year old girl. Like, he gets a standing ovation at the 2001 Oscars and all these Hollywood stalwarts are signing petitions. I'm just saying that we should keep in mind while we bash Mel Gibson that we've let other people off for equal or worse crimes.

A big problem is that this whole movie is WAY too similar to his history so it's kind of impossible to divorce Gibson the actor from Gibson the personality when the whole movie reminds you of it at every turn.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Luis Tosar will be incredibly scary in Sleep Tight, thought the trailer has left me completely cold. And I love that he is the It guy, he's in every movie. He's really talented and he deserves a Bardem-like career, but I'm beginning to feel tired of having to include his girlfriend (the girl in the trailer) in his movies. He's a beautiful but just ok actress.

/end of local rant

par3182 said...

thanks so much for the link to chabon's phantom tollbooth appreciation; i got a little teary recalling how my world view was shaped by the genius of that book back in 1975. still my favourite, after all these years

Prospero said...

First (and sadly), I'm old enough to remember when An American Family aired the first time. It was engrossing then for my young 11 year-old self.

Second, I completely agree with you about Gibson. I don't care if he shoots fireworks out of his once fabulous ass - you couldn't pay me to see a film of his now that he's completely revealed his true nature.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that most of you like Polanski's movies. But if you actually research the facts of the case, there's no way that Polanski actually raped anybody. The counts of "drugging", "raping", and "sodomy" were dropped due to lack of evidence. What he in fact pleaded guilty to is "unlawful sexual intercourse".

In other words, it was only "rape" because of the girl's age. She consented to it, but could not do so legally, according to California law at the time (and today).

So in essence, Whoopi Goldberg was right when she said it wasn't "rape-rape", although I would agree that the term "rape-rape" is not the best term to use in order to get your point across.

RJ said...

^ Giving a 13 year old alcohol and prescription drugs and then having sex with her is rape.