Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Am Link

--- Canon Fodder - Two new Tributes for The Hunger Games were announced yesterday. Jack Quaid, whom I immediately recognized to my shame and humiliation as Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid's son, is playing Marvel (total douchebag), while Leven Rambin is playing Glimmer, a character I scarcely remember. She's supposed to be pretty I believe? And she has the bow and arrow that Katniss so desires. They're the two tributes from District 1, which is the Capitol, aka where the government is based. It's full of spoiled and superficial types.

--- I Want Candy - You think Katniss Everdeen is a weird name for a teen-lit heroine? Then you've obviously not familiarized yourself with Candy Quackenbush, the lead in Clive Barker's dreamy-horrific (and wonderful) Abarat series. Barker tweeted a few days back that he's now seen a nearly-finished copy of his third book - want! Want now!

--- To Be Continued - EW spoke to the producers of A Game of Thrones about their having renewed it for a second season already, and got a couple of details out of them, like when we should expect to see it and how many episodes it might be.

--- Tyrion Touches - This list was written up before the first episode aired, but I did like reading through io9's list of 10 little moments from the first book they hope the writers include in the show. There be spoilers if you haven't read the book, by the way! Anyway it's nice to see that a couple of them can already be crossed off with only one hour down.

--- Hooper's Horrors - There's a good-sized chat with director Tobe Hooper up at Rolling Stone in which he talks about his next movie Djinn - he says it's one of the best scripts he's had in awhile, which goddamn Tobe I've seen movies you've made recently and I should hope so - as well as how he sees the state of horror today.

"It’s much harder to scare people in the conventional way. When I made Chainsaw, people jumped and screamed. Poltergeist, they were still screaming in the theater. Now they’ve seen everything, they’ve totally had their appetites filled, and the reactions aren’t as new now because they’re not in some kind of psychological context."

--- Make Me Wanna - I knew the majority of the factoids in this list of 19 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Movie Scream, but the last one was new to me - apparently the reason the film's title got changed from Scary Movie to Scream was that Harvey Weinstein liked Michael Jackson's duet with Janet called "Scream" that was on the radio right then. It's obviously a better title, but that reason is so fucking ridiculous. As if I should expect otherwise from that jackass.

--- Speaking of, over at fourfour Rich offered up his take on Scream 4, and it's... complicated. Same with all of us, dude.
--- What a Ham - PopWrap takes a look at some new clips from Bridesmaids that give us a little more Hamm. Jon Hamm, that is. I have to say, I've seen the Bridesmaids trailer about four times now and it's still making me chuckle. Can't wait!

--- No Tom For Ben - When we spoke of Isla Fisher playing Myrtle in The Great Gatsby for Baz Luhrmann yesterday we mentioned that Ben Affleck was rumored to be playing Tom Buchanan - today comes word that Affleck cannot be in the movie because of scheduling problems with a film he's set to direct about the Iran hostage crisis. Fine by me, really. Affleck should just become a director, I think. Anyway no word on who might play the part now quite yet. Which is fone since it'll take Baz a dozen years to finish this, like usual.

--- Fish Kill - Adam's taking on the I Know What You Did Last Summer series over at Club Silencio - here's his post on the first film, and here's his post on the second. There are more movies after that too, aren't there? I have not kept up with the direct-to-DVD ones, Part 2 was lousy enough thank you very much. But I do have a soft spot for the first one. I mean, Smidge and Ryan Phillippe in the shower?As if I could react any other way.

--- Wiggle It - I'm sort of proud of this gif I made from Kill Bill for The Film Experience, so you should go over and look at it and bask in my accomplishment.

--- And finally, here are three new pictures from Pedro Almodovar's The Skin I Inhabit (or is it The Skin I Live In? I've heard both.) (via) Anyway it looks nuts, this one.


RJ said...

I have seen the direct to DVD sequel to 'Last Summer.' It's one of those wonderful slasher movies where the answer to 'Who is doing this?' is 'None of the above.'

Spoiler: It's a zombie.

Jason Adams said...

RJ, you are making me WANT to see this movie. Stop it!

RJ said...

Haha. It's never very fun to watch a bad horror movie where there are only 4 people to kill. But the ending is almost worth it.

Also, if Russell Crowe has a full grown son I want him to be in the Hunger Games now.

Derreck said...

I seriously giggle every time i think of the name 'Glimmer'. GLIMMER. what a horrible name for a child! (laughs again)