Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Am Link

--- OBEY - Matt Reeves, who wowed me with Cloverfield and bored me with Let Me In, is going to make a film version of Ray Nelson's classic sci-fi horror tale 8 O'Clock in the Morning, which was previously turned into the nightmarish (for good and dubious - Roddy Piper I am looking at you - reasons) 1988 film They Live by John Carpenter. It's about a man who wakes up one day and realizes that the world's been infiltrated by aliens that look just like humans, and his quest to expose them. Says Reeves, 

"I saw an opportunity to do a movie that was very point-of-view driven, a psychological science fiction thriller that explores this guy’s nightmare,” Reeves told me. “There could be a desperate love story at the center of this. Carpenter took a satirical view of the material and the larger political implication that we’re being controlled. I am very drawn to the emotional side, the nightmare experience with the paranoia of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or a Roman Polanski-style film."

--- Slasher Paradise - Have you been keeping up with Club Silencio's countdown of the Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and Halloween films? Adam's made it to #5 so you should go check it out if not. Every bit of it's a joy to behold.

--- Sid & Co - Speaking of slashers, not only did Glenn get around to spoilerlessly reviewing Scream 4 (show-off!) but he also reviewed the 1988 train-wreck Cheerleader Camp, which I have an inexplicable soft spot for.

--- Ghost World - Over at Billy Loves Stu, Pax defends the controversial final reel of James Wan's Insidious from naysayers as William Castle-esque fun. In theory I can see it but in execution those baby-doll-dressed ghosts left me cold. But I liked the seance - Lin Shaye rules! -  I liked the emptiness of The Further... there were just some design choices that put me off, is all. I still loved the movie.

--- Space Man - If you thought that Michael Shannon would sound coherent and/or sane when discussing how he got the General Zod role in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, then you're crazier than he is! God I love this whackjob.

--- Hi-Res Hobbits - Peter Jackson will be filming The Hobbit in 48 Frames Per Second, which is very very exciting to nerds.

--- Pause For Claws - There have been contrasting rumors about Duncan Jones' enthusiasm for it, but supposedly he's been approached by FOX to pick up the Wolverine reins from the departed Darren Aronofsky.

1 comment:

amola-tesouras said...

Duncan Jones? Wait, what? Are you saying that now there is a chance in a million that Wolverine will be peripherally connected with David Bowie through the Laws of Bacon?

I shall be dreaming of glitter and Hugh Jackman from now on.