Friday, April 01, 2011

I Am Link

--- Boo Boys - The mostly terrifying Insidious - read my review here - comes out in theaters today, and there's a lengthy chat with its director James Wan and writer (and momentary star!) Leigh Whannell over at AICN. And then at io9 they explain how they made this movie for just $800,000. I knew they'd gone cheap but I had no idea it was that cheap. Wow. I need to keep it in mind that Patrick Wilson can be bought for chump change.

--- Flock To Franco - Does anybody have a clear understanding of just what James Franco is doing next? I have no idea. He's just bought the rights to another property for himself to direct, and it seems like I've written that sentence twenty times this past couple months. This one sounds pretty interesting though - it's a 2007 book called Zeroville and it tells a fictional story set in early 70s Hollywood and has all sorts of real world characters like Brian DePalma (sidenote: BAM is doing a DePalma retrospective in April!) and Margot Kidder! Margot Kidder! What actress could play Margot Kidder?
--- Follow the Crumbs - You know, some projects just fall through the cracks and I forget they exist. Like that Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters movie is really being made? I guess so since we're seeing pictures of Jeremy Renner in goth dominatrix fetish gear on its set. Huh.

--- Prim Free - Chloe Moretz is not going to play Prim in The Hunger Games like we feared! Hooray! She'll just be hamming up Tim Burton's Dark Shadows instead. And EW says they're campaigning for Sally Draper to get the role of Prim. Sure, why not.

--- End of Times - Perhaps you missed the news that some moron wants to remake Time Bandits as a "bigscreen kids action franchise"? I wish I had.

1 comment:

Taffy said...

Jeremy Renner swapping the leather coat for a pair of leather pants would be the only thing I'd pay to see in this movie. Could Someone please make that happen?