Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Holy Shit!


Scream 4 opens in nine days! 

I know it's been bizarrely, unbearably silent here at MNPP on this movie these last few months but I had to stop looking at everything having to do with the movie, I didn't want to spoil myself too badly. I run out of the room screaming whenever the trailer comes on (and damn that trailer, because I caught a second of it while flipping through channels and it ends with a moment I want to unsee!). Anyway let it be known that I am very, very, very much looking forward to this return trip to Woodsboro. Also, I am very, very, very nervous. How are the rest of us feeling?


remy said...

very anxious, the critics in france are all over the place.

I think it's going to be better than the third one.

Derreck said...

When i first heard about it, i was like 'really?'

But now, i totally see my ass in the theater on opening night. But the odd thing is, i really don't see much promotion for it at all. Just the random commercial here and there.

Glenn Dunks said...

I see this on Monday the 11th. MONDAY THE 11TH!

Gary said...

omg - I can't freaking wait!

A_Wonder_Book_Of_Rockets said...

I tried to summarize my feelings on it's return days ago but ended up writing a rather lengthy piece instead, as my emotions are all kinds of a mess about it. Too excited. Too apprehensive.You can read it here if ya like.: