Monday, April 11, 2011

Gonna Get Nailed Whether We Want It Or Not


I know Jake's not the one who gets the nail through his noggin in David O. Russell's (only not David O. Russell's) unfinished film (only about to be not unfinished) Nailed, that would be Jessica Biel, but I think it's a fairly safe bet to think that if I were to poll you, my audience, a fairly large percentage of y'all would rather stare at a picture of Jake than her. So I went with that. Anyway! There is movement on the Nailed front, again. Although if this portends good or ill I've become unable to decipher. This movie hurts my head.

"Film Music Reporter have revealed that John Swihart (”Youth In Revolt,” “New In Town”) has been hired to score the film. As you might recall, way back in 2009, it was reported that Squeak E. Clean (aka Sam Spiegel, Spike Jonze‘s younger brother and one half of the quasi hip-hop duo N.A.S.A.) had been tasked with the soundtrack duties—a fairly bold choice. But it’s probably a safe guess that with Russell bouncing, Spiegel’s music likely went with it (and/or with the film in such production disarray as it was, Clean may have been hired, but the music may not have even been composed since there wasn’t much of a post-production).

But with Swihart’s hire, it looks like moves are being made to finish the film..."

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