Friday, March 04, 2011

Ryan Gosling...




Brad said...

SO much better than any of the nominees.

Marshall1 said...

I luv this pic! Too bad it's not lower:(
He was more than great in Blue Valentine. Sexy, charming, and talented, he's so much better than the other Canadian Ryan....

Anonymous said...

Overrated...ppl think hes so good bc he's so "natural" when all it is is a void of charisma and down right boring. And i've tried to like this guy and he always falls short. He reminds me of my sister's bf who mumbles all the time and have no idea what hes saying. Mediocre and not even that cute. Plz tell me wut the big deal is on this guy bc i honestly cant see it. Oh ya and little girl voice does not help, its like ed norton all over again. Sry if u like him but hes nowhere near as good as sum of his peers. End of rant.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to take your 'rant' seriously when your spelling is so atrocious.