Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quote of the Day

Okay, so in an interview with the LA Times Thor-star Chris Hemsworth has this to share:

“[The filmmakers] kept saying ‘Yeah, get as big as you can, as big as you can.’ And then I came back right before Christmas, just before we started the movie, and had a final sort of camera test and put the costume on and within a couple of minutes, my hands started going numb,” he recalled. “And everyone was like, ‘Yeah, that’s not cool.’ And I started getting pins and needles and you’d touch the skin and the blood wouldn’t return to that area so quick. And I thought, ‘OK, it doesn’t fit.’ ”

The actor’s costume was then altered, and director Branagh instructed Hemsworth to “pull back” on his intense workouts a bit. But in the pieces of the film unveiled to the crowd on Monday, the actor still looked bulked up in a major way."

And this is why we need to stop straight men from directing superhero movies. I loved Dead Again like every sane person did, Kenneth Branagh, but you told him to "pull back"??? Pull out, maybe, but never pull back. You don't blame the muscles! You blame the costume! The muscles just want to be free! So you make the costume skimpier, man. I mean, obviously Chris Hemsworth's body was telling you it just wanted no costume at all. Thor should've spent the entire movie naked. Goddamn, this isn't rocket science.

Save Superheroes from the straights!

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