Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Know It's All About Depressing War Stuff...


... but that's not going to keep me from pointing out that the above frame taken from the first trailer for The Bang Bang Club of Ryan Phillippe and Taylor Kitsch being friendly is the real stuff that's brought us here to this post.

Or that! That too, most assuredly, is why we're here. TBBC tells the story of war photographers taking photos during war and stuff and then they take sexy showers together, hooray!

That's Malin "Baby Girl" Akerman with Ryan in that last shot there - I just realized that it's dark enough that one could pretend, if one were so inclined, that it's Phillippe and Kitsch in the shower together. But who'd' ever be inclined to imagine such downright awful thoughts? Terrible. Terrible. Mmmmmmm terrible.

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