Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Am Link

--- What's Your Favorite Scary Movie - PopWrap points out that it's only thirty days until Scream 4 comes out, which just seems bananas. I suppose it's that I've divorced my eyes from looking at any new trailers or pictures or interviews or anything about the film in an attempt at keeping myself spoiler-free. But okay I cheated a little bit because there are a few new photos at that PopWrap link and I looked at them. I'm only human!

--- Speaking of Scream 4, BD posted a list of horror movie rules from the past decade or so since Scream 3 came out that the new one might attempt to play off of, and it is fun and informative!

--- Like Hell - The film was only announced on Monday but they've already started shooting J.T. Petty's Hellbenders and you can see shots from that first day of shooting at this link. The world moves fast! Sometimes.

--- Wiigging Out - The Playlist got the chat with Kristen Wiig a little bit about Paul and about Bridesmaids. I don't know what it is today but everything I read in the interview sounded in my head as if her character Penelope were saying it. MmmOooooookay?

--- Fox Lives - Happy to see that Megan Fox really might be getting that role in Judd Apatow's pseudo-Knocked Up sequel - haters gonna hate, but all I have is love. Well, love might be a strong choice of word. Like. Definite like.

1 comment:

Fernando Moss said...

So you tried to not be spiled but somehow ended up watching the most spoilerish pictures out there?

How ironic...