Monday, March 14, 2011

I Am Link

--- Hunger Girl - Looks like Jennifer Lawrence is getting closer and closer to signing on to play Katniss Everdeen, the heroine of The Hunger Games. It's making me crazy that it's being referred to as "the next Twilight" but I guess I shouldn't let my own prejudices stand in the way of the facts, which are that this is a young adult series about a girl, the two boys that love her, and the sticky situations she keeps getting thrown into. It's just so much riskier and more interesting and better written than Twilight y'all! Anyway I've mostly gotten over my first reaction to this possibility, of her being a little old for this, and am fine with her getting it.

--- Anna Always - JJ has a few new pictures and some quotes from an interview with Anna Faris, my favorite funny girl. Even Take Me Home Tonight (blah) couldn't ruin our love!

--- Ewan Gets Pounded - There's something really fun about scanning through this set of paparazzi pictures from the set of Steven Soderbergh's Haywire. Could it be it involves Ewan McGregor in soaking wet pants getting his ass kicked? I'll leave that to my psychiatrist to sort out.

--- Over at AICN their fellow Quint reviewed Ti West's The Innkeepers, which everybody seemed to like a lot, and he also reviewed Insidious, which he did not like so I offer his opinion as a tonic to dilute my praise.

--- And finally, The Playlist posted about thirteen and a half billion photos from Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life, and I like these ones for reasons you can probably suss out:


1 comment:

Julia said...

I loved her in Winter's Bone, but Lawrence is way. WAY. too old to play Katniss. Sigh. No one ever consults me about these things.