Thursday, March 03, 2011

Did This Man Kill Abe Lincoln's Mom?

Well he won an Oscar so anything's possible, I guess. There's a rumor about that Mr. Trent Reznor will not only be scoring Timur Bekmambetov's film Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter but that he'll also be acting in it, as the vamp that sets this story's Honest Abe off on his secret staking proclivities by offing his mum. Broadway babe Ben Walker's already been cast as the Prez... actually the film's already filming, they say. In Louisiana apparently (which is where Reznor used to live when I still paid attention to that stuff. I used to be a NIN obsessive - it's weird to remember my hair-dyed-black all-black-clothes days now. Ahh, youth.)

Anyway! Reznor's for sure scoring The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo for David Fincher, we know that - indeed it's only Fincher he's scored for before with The Social Network (he did work on compilation soundtracks a couple of times)... not too shabby though, winning an Oscar for your first score. Maybe he's taking that as a hint to do more? Or maybe this is just an unsubstantiated rumor at this point. Who knows! All I know is I want to end with this picture of Trent.



Sean T. Collins said...

It strikes me as unlikely that Academy Award winner Trent Reznor, whose past film work includes The Social Network, Lost Highway, and Natural Born Killers, will be scoring anything called Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter from the director of Wanted.

Jason Adams said...

I do not disagree with your analysis there, Sean.