Those are five creepy posters for Pedro Almodovar's The Skin That I Inhabit that have slinked onto the internet (via)... that link's to a Spanish site - I did a quick Google-translation of what it says and while it gets the point across it's in the wonderful garbled nature I've come to so love, so I'll share:
I wish they were going with the title Skin Habit. That's a great title. It also gets the song "Chick Habit" stuck in my head and then I think about Death Proof and I get happy. I like to be happy. Anyway those posters, huh? This is a horror movie. (thanks to HenryK for the link!)
The Skin That Habit: Five new posters
Have been released five new posters SKIN HABIT, the new film by Pedro Almodóvar to hit our cinemas on the 2nd of September.
Skin tells the story of a plastic surgeon who, since his wife died burned in a car accident, seeks to create a new skin that would have saved his life. Twelve years later cultivate in his laboratory achieved, taking advantage of advances in cell therapy. You do not hesitate to pass a door hitherto strictly forbidden: transgenesis with human beings. But that is not the only crime they commit ...
I wish they were going with the title Skin Habit. That's a great title. It also gets the song "Chick Habit" stuck in my head and then I think about Death Proof and I get happy. I like to be happy. Anyway those posters, huh? This is a horror movie. (thanks to HenryK for the link!)
There is an update to the site which reads that El Deseo (Almodovar´s production company) has informed that the posters are not official.
The tagline on the large poster, btw, translates as: "The Spider, The Venom, The Prey."
David is right! The producers have confirmed that this are not official... Too bad! I liked this fake posters more than the teaser one... I REALLY want this to be a horror movie!
The previous comment it was me! Sorry for the confussion, but the media in Spain was saying that this posters were original... We´ll have to wait
PS: A small gossip that, of course, is not confirmed by anyone but everybody is talking about it: it seems that Banderas & Almodovar have been fighting a lot during the production of the movie and right now cannot stand each other! Let´s see if this is another fake new or not...
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