Friday, February 18, 2011

Do I Look Handicapped to You?


Aww that's the Faye I know and love. I miss her so.


timothy grant said...

And this is the Faye I love even more:

Derreck said...

I wish me and Faye could get into an argument so i could respond with 'because i am not one of your FANS!!!'

Jason Adams said...

I'd never heard that before TrG! Oh I didn't think it possible but I love her even more. You can talk about the Marlon Brando film which I was WONDERFUL in. Indeed.

RJ said...

Just watched this movie last night for the first time! Get out of my head!

timothy grant said...

Faye Dunaway is a national treasure ... just ask her!

Zev Valancy said...

I've been saying for months now that Faye Dunaway is in need of a Mickey Rourke-style career revival. Let some crazy auteur at her, plumb the depths, and come out a start again. She's capable of such brilliance, she just hasn't used it in...30 years...