Monday, January 31, 2011

TGT10: An Introduction


Welcome friends, welcome lovers, welcome friends of lovers and lovers of friends. It is at last, as promised and threatened, that special time of the year again when we slip off the sweatpants and into our formal Snuggies, polish up our fangs for smiling, and spray some hot sticky love all over the place. I recommend wearing a condom, or two... I'm typing this with one on every finger just to be safe. Because the Pantys are here, and they are downright communicable!

Tastes like celebration!

I mixed things up ever so slightly this year - poppin' fresh! For one we're going to start with the category we usually lead up to, my favorite films of the year. That way we can sit back and relax (and not have giant black boxes sit at the top of my list of favorite horror films like happened last year) and let our luxurious hair down and party the rest of the way through.

Those'll be coming up relatively shortly, so try to contain yourselves. Just try! You will fail. From there I found a different way to take a look at my favorite performances of the year that I hope's as much fun for you as it was for me. But if not hey, at least it got me off. That's what matters.

And that spirit expressed right there, of sharing and of caring, is what I hope you take away from this experience. That, and the herpes. Enjoy!

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