Friday, January 21, 2011

Greta Ain't Fraida No Ghosts

You know what weirds me out? That it's supposedly written Ghost Busters and not Ghostbusters. I know there's a sordid complicated history with rights and so forth and in some places it's one way and in others it's another but the two-worded version just looks so wrong doesn't it? I refuse to accept it and yet it dogs me every time. It's a hard life, ya know.

Anyway if you're at all a sane person you just ignored all that nonsense I just wrote because that image there to the right was so blinding from the glee it welled up within you you had to skip right ahead and see if I were announcing that Greta Gerwig were leading the cast of the third Ghost Busters (argh) movie. I wish! I wish I could say such a thing. What a wonderful announcement that would be. Alas. But she does have a part in Ivan Reitman's latest movie No Strings Attached and perhaps it's a stepping stone to Ghostier things. One can dream.

Point being I talk about NSA and its weekend brethren over at Celebrity Beehive today. Go forth and read, my flock.

1 comment:

Laika said...

I did indeed begin to glow with excitement at the idea of a Gerwig-led Ghost Busters (nope, still looks wrong). You are a cruel, cruel man.

"Are you not the Ghost Buster?"