Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The Expendables in 1000 Words or Less

If a picture really is worth a thousand words, then this image of my mid-Expendables tweets gets the job done, right?

I have nothing more to say, anyway. (via)


Anonymous said...

Did Charisma Carpenter get anything worthwhile to do? This is the one she's in, no?

Jason Adams said...

Let it be known that I adore CC before I say this - I almost tweeted this sentence:

"Undo your damned blouse another button, Charisma! You wanna get another movie, don't you?"

That's my way of saying no, they gave her NOTHING to do, and she should have injected a little more cleavage into the proceedings so she would've gotten noticed among the exploding testosterone. But they didn't even give her that. And I felt bad for her so I didn't tweet that.