Wednesday, December 15, 2010

O Rapture and Ecstasy!

I'm seeing The Conformist on a big screen tonight. I might have to murder myself once it's finished so it's the final series of images imprinted upon my brain. I mean, this scene y'all:

Gah! It will be so big! Plus Bertolucci's going to introduce the screening, which is just... gah. That is the only word in the English language that could ever come close to summing it up and it's not a word in the English language. Here's a post I did ages ago highlighting some of the movie's prettiness. It's so goddamned pretty. Have any of y'all gotten to see it on a big screen before?


shawnp said...

aYUP. In NY long ago, but no Bertolucci!

Anonymous said...

Saw it at the NY Film Yesterday many years you know my and thought it was one of the most visually exciting films I'd ever seen. The colors...oh the colors.

Anonymous said...

Oops. That's what I get for not previewing post. Saw it at the NY Film Festival many years ago etc. Hope you'll report your experience in detail.