Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Less Than Forget But More Than Begun

I usually get frustrated with albums by The New Pornographers because I'm really just listening to them to hear some Neko Case is what it comes down to, and she's never in their songs enough. Never! I mean really all I want it her from first to last, so of course she isn't. But I guess they did an acoustic version of their song "Adventures in Solitude" for the "It Gets Better" project for bullied gay teenagers so I will share. I haven't listened to it yet so I can't vouch for amount of Neko within. (via)



Anonymous said...

Didn't I read that she's on the new Duran Duran single?

Anonymous said...

Just discovered this song and have been listening to it constantly for two weeks. Get out of my brain!

Anonymous said...

Neko seems kind of bored.