Friday, December 17, 2010

I Am Link

--- Bana-rama - You know what sounds good to me? Eric Bana and Charlie Hunnam making a movie together, that's what. They're in negotiations (along with my-personal-conspiracy-theory Olivia Wilde) to star in a crime-thriller called KIN which Slash describes thusly:

"The film, written by Zach Dean, is about “two desperate sibling fugitives (Eric Bana and Olivia Wilde) on the run who subsequently collide with the holiday homecoming of a troubled ex-boxer (Hunnam).” The film is scheduled to shoot in March."

Charlie Hunnam as a boxer sounds promising. Very promising. Bana's also supposedly interested in playing Honest Abe himself in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter for Timur Bekmambetov (the director of Wanted). Two notes: I'm just happy that The Bana seems to want to work a little more than he has been, because I've missed him. And secondly, I hope that Spielberg's Lincoln bio-pic comes out the same week as this Vampire Hunter thing, because that would make me happy.

--- Odyssey and Ends - Seventeen minutes of footage that Stanley Kubrick cut out of 2001: A Space Odyssey that hasn't been seen since the first time he screened it has recently been discovered in a salt-mine in Kansas. No I can't think of a more random place either. Find out what it supposedly holds at that link.

--- Speaking of Maestros - Bernardo Bertolucci's apparently at work on a new film. THR has some info:

"Bertolucci is embarking on a new film project, his first since 2003’s The Dreamers. It is an adaptation of Italian novelist Niccolo Ammaniti’s Io e Te (Me and You). Bertolucci said he is in the process of optioning the book, a coming-of-age story about a solipsistic young man who sequesters himself in a basement during the traditional Italian ski holiday (the settimana bianca, or “white week”)."

--- Spike & Chuck - And then there's the word that Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman are apparently shopping around a new film to financiers. The word is yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Although I love Synechdoche so much I had hoped Kaufman would direct another film of his own, I certainly can't complain about him teaming up with the maker of Being John Malkovich and Adaptation again.

--- The Lady Siggeth - MNPP pal Jarett at PopWrap got to chat with Sigourney Weaver, y'all. Siggy! Most of their conversation centered on her film Prayers For Bobby about gay suicide, which is now out on DVD. That movie made me cry too much. Too much!

--- A Gosling's Song - The director of Blue Valentine, Derek Cianfrance, might team up with Ryan Gosling again to make a musical. I'm sorry I haven't reviewed BV yet this week, it's been a killer at work and it's been hard to focus. Maybe later today? I'm gonna try. I just need to put my thinking hat on and it's been tough to focus all that... hat energy. Or whatever. See? Anyway yes they should work together again, Cianfrance did a Q&A at the screening I saw and he and Gosling seem weirdly twinnish, behaviorally at least. Gosling might've just been aping him for the movie though. Also Gosling's got a great voice so he should do a musical.

--- Hey look it's another movie I watched and never reviewed! I Saw the Devil, a Korean serial-killer thriller that I brought up before watching, watched, and then never reviewed, is getting a small release here in the US in March. I've really got to review it already.

--- Buncha Glenn - There's a bunch of stuff over at Stale Popcorn to check out today - he reviewed Tron:Legacy here (speaking of, I'm not gonna be seeing it until after Christmas probably, alas); he reviewed Sofia Coppola's Somewhere here; and he gave us his favorite scores of the year here, wherein he reminded me I didn't have the score for I Am Love in my possession, I kept forgetting, and so I ran out and snatched it up right away.

--- And finally, here's my friend Joe's picks for the five best and worst films of the year. Indeed.

1 comment:

Glenn said...

Thanks for the link my good man!