Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I Am Link

--- Join The Armie - Armie Hammer, professional twin fetishist, might play Leo Dicaprio's gay lover in Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar Hoover biopic thing. A definite step up from the thought of having to watch Leo and Joaquin go at it.

--- Oh-Ten's Tops - Nathaniel gathered together a bunch of links to top tens of 2010 that've been posted online so far. They reminded me that I've got to find a way to watch Dogtooth before I even think about making my own list. That I let that movie pass me by sight unseen has been a stain upon my soul.

--- Two Wet Gentleman - Shia Lebeouf and Tom Hardy starring in a movie from the men who made The Proposition? I think I could probably be interested in that.

--- Hobbitful - In case you missed it a bunch of people - including Cate Blanchett! - were announced for The Hobbit cast. She's the only one I know, weirdly. I feel inadequate.

--- Get Some Brrrains - io9 lays out some smart ways The Walking Dead could've improved its first season by hewing slightly closer to the comics.

--- And finally, go tell Stacie Ponder how to sell her movie. The only suggestion I can come up with is, "Gimme now! Want!" so I'm no help.

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