Monday, December 13, 2010

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


Joe K said...

Probably a bad guess, but American Psycho?

Jason Adams said...

There's no such thing as a bad guess, Joe K! There is however such a thing as an incorrect guess, and that's what that is. :(

f. said...

it looks like Almodóvar, though it probably isn't. I'd say Volver, but I know it can't be it.

Joe K said...

Damn. Oh well. On the rare occasions I get here first, I feel morally obligated to guess something.

Rebecca said...

Please Give!

shawnp said...

Please Give?

Jason Adams said...

It is Please Give. Rebecca just beating out shawnp for the win! Good work!

I can't wait to watch this again now that it's on DVD. I wish this were a world where Amanda Peet got prizes.

Joe Reid said...

Damn it, too late. I'd have known that overly muscular back anywhere!

Jason Adams said...

Yes! I figured if any shot gave it away it'd be that giant thing.

Leo said...

"But the worst part is her back, a muscular back is never good" LOL.

Anonymous said...

How do you pick these frames? Do you just click randomly or are these strategic?

Jason Adams said...

Strategically, anon. If I picked ones by randomly grabbing them I'd end up with frames that were too obvious, like of the stars faces. So much of movies is just people's faces sitting in the middle of a frame! And even with my picking ones that don't seem entirely obvious these usually get guessed within a couple of minutes. I can't stump y'all even when I try.

Glenn Dunks said...

I thought it was Friends with Money. I thought that muscular back was Jennifer Aniston. Hmmm.

Joe Reid said...

Glenn, that weirdly crossed my mind too! I wonder if Holofcener was working off of some real-life inspiration...