Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quote of the Dead

I've been watching The Walking Dead on Monday nights so I'm always a day behind. What have we been thinking of the show? I heard the ratings have been getting stronger and stronger as the season goes along. I'm about 50/50 on it and instead of spending my time saying why I'll just direct you to my friend Sean's thought upon this week's episode which elucidates my feelings precisely. I nodded my head in vehement agreement and then LOL'd at this bit, talking about how he wishes the show threw more curve-balls:

"Of course Daryl’s the guy who says “I say we kill him now and shoot the dead girl in the head while we’re at it.” Of course the abused wife can’t stop once she starts hitting her dead husband in the head with a pick-axe. Of course we have someone who can’t let go of their dead loved one (cf. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead) and someone else whose inevitable death we have to deal with sooner or later while debating whether we do things like that or not (cf. Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead). Of course the CDC couldn’t stop it, there’s only one guy left there, he’s breaking down, and the grounds are littered with dead soldiers. I mean, I read The Stand too. And of course when the door finally opens up, everyone’s silhouetted in enough white light to recreate that Golden Girls episode where Sophia goes to Heaven but Sal tells her it’s not her time."

1 comment:

Sandisan said...

I mostly like the show. It seems like every episode (other than the pilot) has had at least one thing that really annoyed me.

Like, I can't believe they just left that guy on the side of the road to die a painful death on his own and then, what, he's gonna turn into a zombie? Just kill me for jeebus' sake.

But still, I like more than I dislike, but I don't LOVE it. which is disappointing because I assumed that I would.