Friday, November 12, 2010

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


John Cowan said...

of course i show up "on time" and don't recognize a single frame. but there's something godfathery about it, so i'm going to guess "the godfather".

Jason Adams said...

Hi John! It is not The Godfather.

John Cowan said...

i will, of course try again with "the godfather, part 2", just in case.

Jason Adams said...

Hahah no. And it's not Part III either! ;)

John Cowan said...

i knew it wasn't part 3. part 3, sadly, wasn't particularly godfathery. last shot... "miller's crossing"?

Jason Adams said...

Nope, not Miller's Crossing either. :(

John Cowan said...

well, hell. i give up. and i know, when the correct answer is revealed, i will curse myself for going down a one way street to mafia town.

shawnp said...

Yentl 2: Yeshivaboogaloo

John said...


Dame James said...


Jason Adams said...

Dame James got it, it's Salo.

It's such a pretty movie when there's no blood, feces, piss or gouged out eyeballs on screen!

Dame James said...

I can't believe I got this since I spent a good portion of the movie covering my eyes. I'm not normally squeamish, but I wanted to vomit at least three times during Salo. This movie scarred me for life!

amola-tesouras said...

Curiously enough, I was about to guess Visconti's The Damned.