Monday, November 22, 2010

The Deathly Hallows: Pt. 1 in 300 Words or Less

Even to a dyed-in-the-Gryffindor-wool Potterhead it felt a little drawn out. As a gift to us spazzes it pleased me - and the second half will feel more rewarding for it, no doubt - but even I can see there were one too many shots of our team sitting forlornly inside a sweeping vista, unsure what to do. Which is the point of the passage, of course - the uncertain calm before the storm where our heroes gather themselves up, shore up their own interpersonal faults, and figure out how to stride ahead into sure doom. But it bordered on gratuitous. Still, the cast - especially our central trio - have never been better, and as a spazzy fan it felt lovely to have the quiet time to spend with them now.

Brief thoughts: Daniel Radcliffe half-naked all over the place = win. How fantastically funny was that straight-outta-fanfic vision rendering of Harry & Hermione's sexy embrace? I am pretty sure I've seen that exact drawing online somewhere before. I know I've seen it between Harry and Ron. And I will always clamor for more Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort so it was good to see him get something to do. That opening scene was harsh stuff, perfectly done.

But what this film reminded me mostly was how frightening large portions of this book were, and it felt like they reined themselves in a little bit for the movie. The scene where the old hag turns into the snake actually gave me nightmares after reading the book, but it happened too quickly in the film. Just a hint of snake in her mouth and then there was a bundles of clothes on the floor? No! I wanted more! I'm guessing they edited it down. Boo. These kids can take it! Nightmares are good for 'em! Makes 'em strong.

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