Tuesday, October 05, 2010

What Got Cut


I was chatting with the boyfriend not long after watching Let Me In (my review) about some of the changes made between book and first movie and second movie, and he expressed some surprise that they didn't add into this here American version just a hint of Abby's back-story, which is described in the book but not seen in either film version. It seemed to me that that's amongst the first stuff cut when turning the book into a script - it just isn't really needed when you're paring things down; it seems enough just to know she's a vampire, and allow the audience to project whatever sordid tale into that space they like.

Turns out I was sort of wrong though - director Matt Reeves actually filmed the scene! And Slash has got both the clip itself and a video of Reeves explaining why it ended getting cut. Check it.

1 comment:

Izz Carrillo said...


He looks and sounds super in-love with the whole project.
I can't wait to see it. I loved the original movie. It's one of my favorites.

The scene is very awesome I got goosebumps man. liked it a lot!
let's hope it makes a blu ray directors cut haha