Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Would Like To Apologize to William Katt...


... yes, William Katt. I shoulda filed down my nails!

No no. I watched House the other night for the first time and I haven't gotten around to saying anything about it! Shame on me. My apologies, William Katt. And no, I don't have any idea how I made it this far in my life without seeing House but let's not focus on that. Instead let's focus on the things that really matter. Like how good William Katt is in this movie. My boyfriend looked at me as if I were a crazy person when I admitted I'd never found Big Willy K attractive before, but come on...

Really? People found that attractive? Notsomuch. Mayor of Goobersville! But here in House, if you can ignore the International Male one-man fashion parade he marching, he's definitely working what his mama gave him better than I've ever caught on to before. Cutting off the majority of that tangled mop of cupid curls helped. And now some visuals.

I should write more about the movie itself which was a lot of fun if mostly totally awful, but I seem to have run out of time today. Sigh. I've gotten woefully behind in my reviews this week - I've actually seen a bunch of horror flicks if you check out the side-bar. I just haven't gotten around to saying anything on them. I'm hoping to do a round-up of brief reviews next week. Hoping does not equal doing though. Keep that in mind. Always.

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