Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Am Link


--- Paul Phone Home - That there above is a new shot from Paul, Greg "Superbad" Mottola's action-comedy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost befriending an alien (voiced by Seth Rogen) on their cross-country trip to ComiCon. IGN has a couple more shots as well. Click that one above to embiggen it, it's absolutely lovely.

--- Plushie Pic - Marky Mark will indeed be starring in Ted, Seth MacFarlane's movie about a trouble-making probably foul- mouthed teddy bear.

--- Lee's Life - Looks as if Life of Pi will indeed be Ang Lee's next movie. I haven't read this book and I'm not entirely sure what it's about. I could read the description at Slash, I suppose. Sigh, effort. It'll be in 3D, this movie version, apparently. And Ang has cast some non-actor newcomer dude for the lead.

--- McFly Away - This interview with Back to the Future producer Bob Gale is chock-filled with interesting tidbits if you're a fan of the movies, as you should be, if you are sane. io9's got some similar stuff too.

--- Boo Girls - And lo there were women, and they liked horror movies, and they made horror movies, and it was good.

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