Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This Apparently Aired On TV...


... and I had no idea! No clue that dream-man Eion Bailey was romping around half-naked on USA's new show Covert Affairs. I haven't really heard anything (or paid attention to, at least) about that show, but if this had been thrown in front of me you'd best believe I'd have taken note. WTF! Perfect furry black-haired blue-eyed ball of perfect Eion Bailey, yo! Good grief, here's a bunch of caps. (via)



olins said...

The show is okay, however it also stars Christopher Gorham who is oh so fine.

Drew F said...

Meh, this guys character is kinda a tool...

And I TOTALLY agree about Chris Gorham. I never even realized he was so smexy before!

Anonymous said...

Love a man with some hair-Eion is just right

Anonymous said...

Hope Eion Baily will be back on "Covert Affairs" season 2!

Anonymous said...

finally - some love for eion. been watching him and his fur for years.

more eion!