Monday, September 13, 2010

The Surf Is Not All That Is Up


That's Austin Nichols at a charity surfing something or other on Saturday (via). I know I ought to be responsible and tell y'all what the charity is and so forth, but it's late in the day and I'm looking at nipples, so forgive me my distracted nature, sincerely. Also at the event was Eric Balfour and Sam Trammell of True Blood with his giant man boobs, you can see some of them over here or here. Also there, pictured below with Austin, is the exceptionally underrated Brian Geraghty from The Hurt Locker among other things. They make a nice pair, right? Not as good a pair as Austin and Jake of course, but still. Not bad.



John T said...

Damn. Have he and Jake been sighted together since the Reese breakup? I don't follow the gossip too much, but I'm hoping these two are out biking again.

L said...

Why would it matter if he and jake were seen together?! Austin is dating Sophia Bush. Enough with the gay jokes, it's stupid.