--- Going To The Social - Trent Reznor has made five songs from his score for David Fincher's The Social Network available to download online, over here. I listened to the first track that showed up online the other week and it sounds interesting. I was only sort of vaguely inclined towards this movie even up to a couple weeks ago but now I am on board with the enthusiasm. Wanna see.

--- He Likes To Talk - I'm certain that between now and the forever-away-future of his adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness coming out I'll be linking to a thousand such chats with director Guillermo Del Toro about that project, but that's not gonna keep me down! Here's a new chat with Collider on that project, as well as The Haunted Mansion movie he's producing.

--- Real Camp - Rich at FourFour got to ask John Waters a question at a recent Q&A with the man, and caught the whole thing on video. It's about reality television. I'm just pissed off I've never seen John Waters speak live yet. I've seen him on the street twice, if that counts! Including one time riding a bicycle like the Wicked Witch of the West down the street in Provincetown, but I think that's like noticing the sky is blue - if you go to Provincetown the chances of seeing John Waters riding a bicycle like the Wicked Witch of the West down the street are supposedly pretty damn good.
You probably already know this, but the Emmy people have kind of been making up for that Cranston omission with three year's worth of best actor in a drama awards...you knew that, right? But yeah, wouldn't have hurt to give him a comedy one, too, back in the day (I recall him being nominated at least a couple of times for Malcolm).
Yeah I know he's gotten them for Breaking Bad, but he should have one for Malcolm dammit! ;-) So great, him.
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