Friday, September 03, 2010

How To Sell Your Movie 101

Oh my god you guys, look at this snapshot
of the poster for Love and Other Drugs:

(via) Have you ever wanted to be a pillow more in your entire life, or what?

I am going to wallpaper my entire house, top to bottom, with that picture. Course I'll have to photo-shop my own face onto Anne's first but that oughta be simple enough. Whee!

That awesomeness aside, I am off for the long weekend starting now and won't be posting again until Tuesday. Y'all have a nice Labor Day or whatever if you're not in a place that celebrates Labor Day. Whatever! My piece for Celebrity Beehive is up so you can get some me if you're jonesing over there. Otherwise, peace love and crotch-pillows, my friends.

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