Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Schlitze


Nobody knows what Schlitze's last name was, but signs point to Mills, says this extensive web-page devoted to him. What they have sussed out is he was born on September 10th, 1901 and died on September 24th, 1971. If you've seen Tod Browning's 1932 horror masterpiece Freaks - and if you haven't then your cinematic pedigree is less than - then you no doubt recall Schlitze fondly. He sweeps in - as a she - with a bright smile and a fondness for hats with long feathers and steals the picture from everybody else on screen. You can watch the scene right here. He was magic, and the world of movies is better for having him. Happy birthday, Schlitze!

1 comment:

homeslaughter said...

The greatest actor of his time. Schlitze is my hero