Friday, September 24, 2010

Gratuitous Taeyang


I can't quite recall where it was I just stumbled upon the first picture of Taeyang, or what I was searching for when I found it, but until about an hour or so ago I hadn't ever heard of him... and now here I am doing this post. He's a South Korean rapper - do people still use the term "rapper"? It feels so dated, yet that's what it calls him on his Wiki page and since I've never heard a single note of his music who am I to judge? He makes the hippity-hop! Anyway I think it's safe to say that if I did hear any of his music I probably wouldn't like it. Seems a safe bet, all things considered. And yet... yet... here we are all the same. If you've heard of him, then feel free to share your experiences. If not, then allow me open up your world a bit.



Anonymous said...

Ugggly. Nice body tho. And apparently no ass! (They covered it with a wifebater to give an illusion of one...)

Anonymous said...

Now do a post on Jay Park!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love him. wow he is amazing !! he is singing , rap, dancing, playing piano. Oh gosh !!

Anonymous said...

Dear judgmental person.
He's a singer. He's not a rapper. He can rap. So can I. But it doesn't make me a rapper. He's a singer. In a group called Big Bang. And a freaking good singer at that. Wait, sorry, a freakinglysuperamazing singer.
Love from a V.I.P.
(V.I.P is Big Bangs fandom name...just saying.)

Anonymous said...

Taeyang. not a rapper(although he was going to be the rapper of Big Bang, instead they heard him sing and is now a vocalist of Big Bang). awesome singer and dancer! :D