The first still from Scream 4 has been released, I saw it first via Ye Olde Aussie Scream Experte Stale Popcorn's Glenn Dunks, and let's just take a look at it quick like:

My thought process was, with everything in context there, knowing I was about to see a shot from Scream 4 before I actually looked at the picture, oh look brown-haired girl, it's Gale, and Ghostface is coming up behind her BE CAREFUL GALE oh god this movie's going to make me so upset.
Then the second time I looked at the picture I realized wait, is that Courteney Cox? What the fuck has Courteney Cox done to her face??? It's like someone skinned Courteney Cox and put on the suit made from her, like when the alien-bug puts on its Edgar-suit in Men in Black, and it slips all unnaturally across his features. It is not right.

Is it bizarre that I kind of don't want this movie to happen because I want Sidney and Gayle to be ok and happy?
It's not weird in the slightest, Julia. I am totally torn over the fourth movie because I liked that those three characters got a happy ending and I AM SO SCARED FOR THEM NOW. I am with you, is my point, ;)
Yeah, I want Gale to be ok too... I actually don't care what happens to Dewey or Sidney but Gale rocks, so please tell me they're not killing her...
guys I was just thinking the same thing, I want to see the movie but will be anxious wondering if they will be killed off, which I'm guessing some/all of them will be...
I'm not too worried about Sid/Gale/Dewey just because it would be a really stupid way to kick of a new trilogy by alienating all the old fans who loved those three so much. Maybe in Scream 5 though?
I love Gayle, but you're so right-WTF, Courtney?! Saw her on Ellen and she had "those lips"--what the hell's the matter with people? Still gonna see it in the theater, though-I just hope they do it right.
Dewey = <3
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