What an odd, wonderful little movie about the end of the world and the way we got there, and the way out. Can it be described as a rock biopic about a fake band that created punk rock music before the Sex Pistols? Sure. Could it be considered a rumination upon those tiny tendrils of fate that are connecting us all in ways we'll never begun to piece together? Most definitely. Can it be described as a sequel to Michael Bay's Armageddon set in Japan? It assuredly can.
You think you know what Fish Story is going to be. You think you've got it figured. But then another level of inspired storytelling unfolds and deepens everything that's come before it, and everything after.
What surprised me though wasn't just how joyful it was sorting out the logistics of the what-where-when's - although that's done so effortlessly and with so much spunk it makes something like Inception seem as humorless and plodding as... well, as Inception is - but how delicately it treats its characters, and how important all of their hopes and dreams turn out to be. As a joke it's funny when the film presents itself as a sort-of sequel to Armageddon, but that also sharply puts into contrast how coldly, how inhumane, most movies about the end of the world can be. Michael Bay's astronauts are nothing but paper-thin sleeves - this right here is the record that slips in between and makes punk rock music.
You think you know what Fish Story is going to be. You think you've got it figured. But then another level of inspired storytelling unfolds and deepens everything that's come before it, and everything after.

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