Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Tingler! In Percepto!


Well I know what I'm doing this holiday weekend! Film Forum started a mini-fest of William Castle movies this past weekend and all weekend long they're gonna be showing his 1959 schlockterpiece The Tingler with its crazy-ass (literally) gimmick Percepto! Percepto is the one where he attached electric shocks to a random bunch of seats in the theater and at a specified point in the film hits the buzzer and made people's bums go boom! And Film Forum is letting it rip! Hooray! It's one of those always-dreamed-of-getting-the-chance type screenings for me, and I'm so freaking excited.

John Waters talks a bunch about his childhood experiences with William Castle films in his most recent book Role Models, and explains how he'd go into the theater for the first showing of The Tingler, scan under all the seats til he found one with the wiring attached, and then sit in that seat for every screening all day long, getting his ass zapped. I can't decide if I'd want to be in an electrified seat or not. I don't know that I entirely trust some random stranger to electrocute me. But still, it's an experience!

Check out the full run-down of films they're showing here. If you're in NYC over the weekend I don't know how you could pass up this chance. Has anybody gotten to see the film with Percepto before? My boyfriend's already seen it this way years ago.


FDot said...

I caught a screening of The Tingler at Film Forum a few years ago. Assuming they keep everything the same, you should have a blast.

Jason Adams said...

I was trying to figure out where the hell I was when they did this last time. I must've been outta town because I don't know how I could miss it. Anyway awesome that it doesn't disappoint! Supa psyched.

Ms Scrappy said...

I saw it when my friend organized a B movie festival back in he 90's and I had a blast. The audience started screaming out jokes MST3K style.And of course everyone SCREAMED!!! SCREAMED FOR THEIR LIVES!!!