Wednesday, August 04, 2010

I Am Link

--- Just Drawn That Way - PopWrap posted a clip from Neil Marshall Centurion today but more importantly also posted that image there of a cartoon Michael Fassbender, which I'd not seen before. Good grief the shameful dirty thoughts I'm now having over a drawing... is there more? Is there a comic? I haven't seen a comic! I want a comic!

--- We Are Sex Bob-omb - Adult Swim is doing some promotional animation for Scott Pilgrim - they're animating a scene from the comics that didn't get into the movie - and you can see the first bit of that right here.

--- Hipster Paradise - Spike Jonze and Arcade Fire are teaming up to make a science-fiction short film in Austin, and there's a little slice on info on it at that link. It's got to do with Arcade Fire's new album, which has taken up a hefty portion of my brain this week. Exhibit A.

--- Farley Forever - There's never a bad moment to stop and smell the Farley Granger. (via Nat)

--- Beaver Everywhere - Kyle Gallner has just joined the cast of Kevin Smith's looooong talked about horror movie Red State - that title seemed clever back when I first heard it around the time of the 2004 elections and everyone was paying attention to red versus blue states - putting Mr. Gallner in yet another horror film after a steady stream o' scares. Jennifer's Body, the Elm Street remake, Jack Ketchum's Red, The Haunting in Connecticut. Beaver's come a long, creepy way from Neptune!

1 comment:

Scott said...

My name is Cassidy!